Monday, January 21, 2008

Barnett Shale update - seismic

The neighborhood association's Oil & Gas Committee and Executive Committee recommend that property owners in the neighborhood NOT permit or comply with a seismic survey request from anyone at this time.

1) Seismic conducted prior to the lease signing might cause a company to rule out certain acreage; and 2) Such surface rights issues can be addressed in the lease.


The OWNA now has a Post Office Box for correspondence.
Please make note of the new address. Your NA dues can also be mailed to this PO Box.

Overton West Neighborhood Assn.
P.O. Box 100811
Fort Worth, TX 76185-0811

Thursday, January 17, 2008

January 2008 Newsletter

Please click HERE to see an electronic version of the OWNA January 2008 Neighborhood News. If you live in the neighborhood, you should receive a mailed copy of this newsletter in the near future.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New letters and offers from XTO/Holland/Vargas

You likely received in the mail an envelope from XTO/Holland/Vargas with a draft lease.

The OWNA executive committee met on January 3rd to discuss our first order of business, selecting an Oil & Gas Committee. We are pleased to announce that Scott Connolly, Charles Florsheim, Steve Poe, and Robert Reynolds have agreed to serve on the committee. Remember, our primary negotiating strength is our unity.

The neighborhood association strongly recommends that you do not sign a gas lease with XTO Energy, Vagas Energy, Holland Acquisitions or anyone else until the Oil and Gas Committee makes recommendations regarding leasing issues.

Persons living in the neighborhood should in the coming days receive a newsletter from the OWNA. The newsletter will provide additional information, and we will post the newsletter here as well.

Finally, a new and improved neighborhood web site is in the works. We will keep you posted.